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2015: Sunny Side Up

So, everybody's got their opinion about what to do at the beginning of the year: is it resolutions, is it intentions, is it themes, is it three simple words?

The answer is Yes.

Yes, as in, I'll do all the things, thank you.

I'm making a business plan, I'm setting goals, I'm doing the theme thing. I've got resolutions, and targets, and numerical measures of awesome. I been at this a long time, so I do it all. I have plans, yo.

And because 2014 was wild, awesome, and -- truth -- a bit scrambled, I'm borrowing that egg feeling and declaring that

2015 is Sunny Side Up.

If last year was all about liberation -- and boy, was it, and don't think I don't have a couple of 2014 round-up posts coming soon 'cause I do -- then this new year is all about full-on savoring the fruits of that liberation, looking up-up-UP, working hard at what I love, making new shit, laughing a LOT, and generally waking up, as I have done for the past 10 months now, every single morning with a fat smile on my face that this is my life now.

This. Is. My. Life. Now.

And, of course, super-excited about that first delicious, perfect cup of coffee. Every day delicious.

I am so excited about the work I will be doing in 2015, about the people and businesses I get paid to help (I get paid to help!!), about the creative projects I'll be involved in, about going to Fargo again (omg, #ilovefargo), about this year's garden, and this year's adventures in beekeeping. All of it.

This. Is. My. Life. Now.

Holy shit: so awesome!

Do whatever you want. Or do nothing. That's your call. But me: I'm all yellow is fried egg, baby. 

Sunny Side Up!


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    The level of thinking becomes change if an educated person is a H.R manager in a firm and the poor man who is uneducated and doing a job of peon in his office. Now he starts dealing him in inhuman manner that’s really wrong thing.

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