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Here is how you know...

Lately I keep getting this feeling, this one thought bubbling through me from the ground up, this one thought that says,

I am so on the right track.

It's the best thing ever, this feeling -- good, solid, incontrovertible. Under my feet all the time.

It seems crazy, almost too good to be true, you know? But here's the thing: it is true.

I've been observing the signs, noting the times when this feeling washes over me.

Here is how you know.

1. You’re learning. Since I started this self-employed doing-me section of my life, I am constantly learning. And in surprising ways. I learn for my clients, naturally, staying ahead of what they might need. But also I learn *from* them, which is a super-big treat. Like finding out about and now reading Getting Things Done, which is totally revolutionizing my productivity. Love it!

2. You’re choosing. And that means how you spend your time and with whom and on what. Which means, really, that you're the boss of you. It’s powerful and heady, that part. And it's key. It's your liberty.

3. You’re busy but not stressed. Aside from the first few weeks after I quit my employment in order to be able to do my real job, my calendar has been pretty full. I have things to do, places to be, work to do. I'm busy but not stressed. Because stress isn't related to busy. For me, it's related to shitty. I enjoy what I'm doing, even when it's busy, so every day is a low-stress treat.

 Tweet: stress isn't related to busy. stress is related to shitty.

4. You’re delighted. Things keep happening. Little things like receiving a check from a client in a cute card with great stickers. Sweet! Big things like referrals from happy clients to other happy clients. Awesome! Basic things like getting to yoga 4 days a week, and not rushing through every hike or walk with the dog, or waking up without an alarm.

5. You’re creative. Because I'm driving my own life, it's a mix. I have time to Do, and time to Make. Time to do paid client-work, time to make my own beeswax. Time to make my life exactly how I want it, which seems like the ultimate creative act -- yes, producing actual products, but also making life itself into art

6. Bottom line: You're YOU. This is the real Golden Ticket, people. There's no more Work You vs. Real-Life You. There's no more Censored You vs Parental Advisory You. It's all one. It's all YOU all the time in every situation -- genuine, integrated, just right. 

After seven months of doing my real job -- ME -- this is what I know. Sure, getting paid for working from home on my own terms is pretty awesome. But doing my real job, my real mission, being ME? That is truly the best. 

Whatever your circumstance, how can you be more you? What can you strip away that's blocking your full shine? #makeyourlife



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