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Entries in from left to write (16)


Thrive: a hero(ine)'s journey 

As a measure of how naive/out-of-it/sweet I was at 16, I offer this: it took a really long time before I understood why everyone else in my Sophomore English class referred to our teacher as Master Bates rather than Mister. What did they know that I didn't? Was he from the UK originally or something? 

"Oooooooooh," I realized months later, blushing, "I get it."

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Tune your heart

"I once knew someone who could tune a heart."

"Tune a heart?" I asked, wondering if I had understood him correctly.

"Yes, like an instrument. If a heart was out of tune, he would retune it."

  from A Well-Tempered Heart by Jan-Philipp Sendker

It's funny how sometimes things just fall into your lap, how sometimes there just seem to be these repeated coincidences that don't feel like coincidences. How everyone is talking about just what you need to hear.

Times that feel fat with meaning, full of Whoa.

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Happier at Home: little altars everywhere

Super-nerd here, reporting in for duty. 

I've just finished shelving 2013 books, and in the process, creating or expanding some sections.

Biology and Animals got a fine re-do, and Kid Lit's getting its own shelves. Historical Fiction continues to grow, especially the Marie Antoinette gallery, as I devour these titles as fast as I can.

I love arranging books just-so, adding topical trinkets, making little dioramas, pleasing my own eye.

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the real work of raising good people

This post is inspired by Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son, a September 2013 selection of From Left to Write bookclub. As a member I received a copy for review purposes. And I LOVED it.

Long, long ago when my son was a child and I was a new mother learning the ropes, I discovered a self-confidence I never knew I had. It's possible I had never had that confidence in my own thinking and decisions until then, until the occasion presented itself to raise my boy the way I thought was right, in defiance of a lot of the baby books and advice.

And despite what other people thought. And said.

Because people are nothing but vocal about how you're screwing your kid up, when they disagree with your method, when they only know their own way

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August reading round-up, yay!

Ooh, this has been such a great month for reading: 9 books and counting!

That's one of the BEST things about vacation, for sure -- or maybe I should say about long plane-rides.

Ten-hour flight? No problem. I've got a book!

And honestly, I can't say enough good things about the Kindle that I purchased finally after years of saying I would never get one.  Of everything I read in August so far, only two titles were on actual paper.

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